I spent a hefty chunk of the first half of last week working on a couple of big cakes. They were commissioned by a very good friend of mine named Patti, who I've known since 3rd grade. I was happy to agree to make them, and flattered to be asked. The order was for two half-sheet layer-cakes for her mom's 80th birthday party. I could be wrong about this, but I'm pretty sure she told me they might need to serve up to 80 people. No problem, I figured. It's good practice to make cakes, or any baked goods for that matter, that you know from the get-go will be leaving your house and venturing out for a public showing. Kind of scary, but good practice nonetheless.
But, let's be honest. For a complete amateur like me, a large and even moderately decorated cake that's designed for public exposure presents a challenge from several perspectives. Big cakes involve planning, purchasing, scheduling, and executing, not to mention a healthy dose of fretting. I pondered whether or not to blog about these cakes. "What if they don't turn out looking nice enough? What if they look downright pathetically amateurish?" Those were my thoughts. Thus encumbered by that rather defeatist attitude, I took very few photos when I was working on them and I didn't document
any of the glitches along the way.

In hindsight, a few days after the fact, I realized that was an extremely silly and childish posture to take. In fact, an
inauthentic attitude. Afterall, I'm not masquerading as an expert baker or a bona fide pastry chef--though I aspire in my wildest dreams to become the latter someday--so, really, what's to fear? The only folks who read my blog are people who like to bake too and they all seem pretty darn supportive and understanding. Heck, I'm just another middle-aged American female who's crazy about baking and all it entails. Warts and all, I should just shut-up and blog about it, right? Right.
Okay. So here I go.
I made a white two-layer cake with a fluffy raspberry flavored buttercream frosting, and a dark chocolate two-layer cake with two kinds of chocolate buttercream. All (of course!) completely from scratch. A half-sheet is technically 11" by 15" inches, but in reality, frosted and on its board(s), then put in its box, a cake that size is considerably bigger than 11" by 15". And, filled and frosted, that's potentially a pretty
heavy cake. You'd better lay in a
liberal supply of butter, eggs, sugar, flour, and confectioner's sugar, if you're contemplating making
two of these babies.

Now, the baking part itself for a big home-baked cake seems simple, on the surface, yes? Just select a highly reliable recipe, scale your recipe upward, and take into account your mixer's capacity. With a larger than normal cake, though, there are a number of additional factors to take into account in order to grease the wheels of the whole process and help evade potential catastrophe. You benefit by having a few pieces of special equipment on hand (pretty much all of which, luckily, I already had in my ever-growing arsenal).

It's a good idea to have items like large-size pans of better than average quality (the pans I used were the brand called
Fat Daddio--made of anodized aluminum, they are exceptional); one or two
heating cores to help with even heat distribution (a cone-shaped metal cup that gets filled halfway with batter and sits in the center of the batter-filled pan; after the cake is baked, the hole created by the core is then supposed to be perfectly "plugged" with the cake that baked within the core);
cake-strips (metallic-looking thick cloth strips that you soak in water and then strap around the outside of your pans to help produce a smooth and even cake surface); large cooling racks; cardboard
cake-boards of the right size (one or two exactly the size of the cake, and one or two a couple of inches larger than the cake); a large-sized
cake leveler (I expect professional bakers wouldn't be caught dead bothering with this hack-saw-like tool, but I'm unashamed to admit that I think these are incredibly helpful at creating evenly sliced layers);
offset spatulas of different lengths and sizes; pastry bags of various sizes; an assortment of metal
decorating tips, along with a few plastic couplers to attach them to the
pastry bags; a clean, new, bakery box that will accommodate the finished cake; decorative foil or some other type of covering, if you choose, for the larger cake board that will be visible, and so on and so forth. Just about the only thing I didn't end up using was a
turntable, which seems to me kind of useless with a huge rectangular cake, though they are indispensable with round cakes. Not unlike the
accoutrements of just about
any beloved hobby, the tools required for cake baking and decorating--not to mention the tools simply
desired--tend to accumulate steadily and benignly if not reined in, like a profusion of dust bunnies under the bed.

The worst problem I experienced with one of the cakes was completely my own fault. When I put the heating core into the pan with the white cake batter just before baking, I FORGOT TO FILL IT WITH BATTER!! This meant that when I checked on the cake about 20 minutes into baking, what I saw was a tall, metal, tipped-over cup right in the middle of the cake, like a skyscraper above the horizon that had been toppled by an earthquake. I was so horrified at that point that I almost burst into tears. It was late afternoon, I was getting tired, and I'd been baking and caking all day.
What was I going to do? Should I leave the core in there and let the cake finish baking? Should I try to take it out and hope the cake
magically repairs itself? With utter dismay, I weighed the options. I ended up leaving it in, but I immediately started making a tiny bit more batter in order to be able to patch the bizarre indentation that was left by the heating core. Everything worked out okay in the end, but boy did I feel like a cake-bakin' failure for the first few minutes after I opened that oven.

So, eventually the two cakes were cooled, and "torted" (split and filled), and ready to be decorated. Given the time constraints I imposed on myself for Patti's cakes, I thought it was too risky by far for me to suddenly try decorating techniques I wasn't too familiar with. I played it safe and just did some roses for the white cake. Eight roses, one for each decade of the birthday lady's life, and one little rose for good luck in her future years. I had no end of trouble, though, making buttercream roses that would hold up because of the hot humid weather, so in dismay I ended up resorting to making royal-icing roses. This was poor planning on my part. Royal icing gets firm, kind of like candy--you really can't cut through it with a knife. It was not my preferred option, but what's a girl to do? Aside from that, the only other trick I had up my sleeve was basic piping--oh, you know, shell borders, reverse shell borders, dots, writing, and so on--nothing you don't learn in a rudimentary cake decorating class. And I piped a few dark chocolate butterflies that turned out sort of okay; a couple of them were a last minute addition to the chocolate cake.

I'm glad I made those Size XL cakes, don't get me wrong. And, I already knew
this, of course, but the point was driven home to me even more so as I worked on them: To produce cake decorating that's actually beautiful takes
continual practice. It's a skill that doesn't lend itself well to sporadic bursts of activity followed by long stretches of no activity at all. The fact is, it had been months since I'd even made any frosting roses. I think cake decorating well is less akin to riding a bicycle than it is to playing a musical instrument. Anyone can get on a bike after a few years and still do it. Afterall, not much technique is required to use a bike. But if you pick up a violin after a few years of not playing . . . well, you'll probably remember where to place your fingers on the strings, but what comes out ain't gonna sound much like music (I know
this first hand as well, and the violin in my bedroom closet can attest to it).

Anyway, readers, going forward I vow to try and be more willing to document both the bitter and the sweet when it comes to my less than stellar baking adventures. My next special-cake mandate comes to me from my husband. He's holding his annual poker tournament in September and wants something poker-themed for that event. We're still tossing around ideas. A couple of slightly overlapping playing cards? We'll see . . . that sounds doable . . . just as long as they're not
face cards!

(If you'd like to comment on this post or read any existing comments, click on the purple COMMENTS below!)
I think they ended up looking just gorgeous! I learned a few things from reading your blog, too!
Thanks so much Shbook! It's so nice to hear that. :)
-- Jane
Don't be critical! They definitely don't look amateurish; it's very cleanly and professionally decorated (even if you weren't happy over using royal icing) and I'd have been thrilled to have a cake like either of these! Good for you for going for it!
I'm so impressed with the final results; but, as a rank amateur I really appreciate the warts and all back-story. You are inspiring me to jump in and take a basic decorating class, something I've been toying with ever since a decorating shop went in next door to my hair salon.
Your cakes turned out awesome! I think a little self-doubt is natural, we just can't let it get the best of us!
Indigo, Sara, and PinkStripes--
Comments like these are what I love about baking bloggers . . . so much generosity of spirit, kindness, and encouragement! I love knowing I'm/we're not baking "in a vacuum." One of the reasons I wanted to start the blog in the first place was to be able to talk about baking with other women who love to bake and who understand the periodic "angst" involved. Well, that's happened and it's absolutely the best part about the whole thing. That may sound corny or syrupy, but I don't care because it's the absolute truth!
Thanks, thanks, thanks!!
:) Jane
That's why I taught you to use the flower nail trick Janie!!! But seriously, you did a fab job!! I'm sooo proud of her!! :D Cindy :D
Ok you're giving me cake decorating envy over here! LOL!!! Your cakes look fantastic, I'm so glad I found your blog, you're gonna be a big help to me!! Thank You!
Your cakes look great! You should be proud! The writing is very beautiful!
I ain't having those tools(instruments) used to decor the cake..The similar set is hard to found over here..But thanx for sharing the tricks to decorate cakes in different ways..
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Hi Jane. The cakes looked great and I can assure you that they tasted way better than what people usually buy in the supermarket. I understand the angst, however. I rarely make cakes for strangers because of the anxiety. Great photos!
wow,your site is great! especially this birthday cake decoration!
Both cakes look beautiful. What recipes did you use? Thanks. kathleenmcguirk@yahoo.com
Doesn't look amateurish at all! Love your site!
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